Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Field Service Landscape, Street Lighting and Cemetery

Field Service Landscape, street lighting and Ingestion
1. Public Street Lighting Services (PJU)
Section PJU to requests for information PJU PJU and improvement in the city of Magelang. Roving pickets made from PJU night at 18:30 pm s / d 21:30 pm with 2 personnel. The clerk on duty to handle, control panel box in case of damage / disruption PJU flame, and hold checking lights went out and then record the results as a report piketnya. Repair Service PJU served with damage data obtained by telephone or letter supporting data such as the type of damage PJU, location data, and data reporting.

Application installation of lighting PJU well served by this section. Standard time request PJU lighting expected to be completed within 3 days. To obtain permission PJU lighting, petitioner filed a petition to the mayor with supporting data location, number, and data reporting purposes. Based on the disposition of the Mayor and Chief DKPT this section to carry out follow up checks in the field, a review of the results of checks and coordinating with other relevant agencies. The study results obtained are reported to the Head DKPT as a basis in making its Response to the applicant.

2. Tree Felling Services
Landscape Section shall carry out the maintenance of the gardens in the city of Magelang, both in terms of pruning, pendangiran, replanting dead plants and soil pendangiran. In addition, pruning shade trees blocking wires and a blocking traffic signs. Application logging is one of the services that exist in this section. Standard service time is calculated from tree felling disposition Mayor to reply to applicants 3 days. To obtain a logging permit, the applicant submits a tree felling to the Mayor with supporting data location, number, and data reporting purposes. Based on the disposition of the Mayor and Chief DKPT, sexy follow up with checks in the field, and then review the results of checks and coordinating with other relevant agencies.

3. Funeral services license
Section Cemeteries have office hours from 07:00 to 17:00 o'clock pm, the holiday remains inside. Service process from start reporting to permit the funeral one day. Applicants who will apply for the funeral came to the office and fill out an application form at the office cemetery DKPT by attaching the completeness requirements. By all accounts, the applicant and the officer checked the location of the cemetery sections and determination of the place. After finding a mutually acceptable location, applicants to register in accordance with applicable regulations. After all the procedures completed, Section Officer Funeral Burial Permit made later handed over to the applicant. Officers cemetery digging a grave for the preparation.

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